Organization | Sep 20, 2021 | The Executive | 7207 views
Join our AMSPL family today
We are ready to start taking applications for the 2022 season at AMSPL. The 2021 season just ended and we are now looking for new members to join or AMSPL family.....
No matter your skill level we will have a spot for you in our league. New to the game? AMSPL is a draft league, and we have 10 experienced captains who draft their teams each year. All players are ranked from a 1-7 in half point increments. Each captain is required to draft one player from each ranking to assemble their team. Each year we have 10 fun, yet semi-competitive teams play from May until September twice a week. We have paid internal umpires on each diamond for every game. In a nutshell, this is your league, and your chance to learn the game we love. Members are the ones that make this league fun, and they keep it growing every year.
Send us an email at [email protected] along with a brief bio about yourself, your skill set, position of play, and years played and we will find the right team for you. If you would rather just be a spare there are opportunities there as well. For $45.00 you will be added to our list of spares and can be contacted by any captain at any time to sub in on a night.
Come join the Ancaster Men's Slo-Pitch League today. Where strangers become friends.
The Exec.